Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Dos and Don'ts of a Successful Webinar

The Dos and Don'ts of a Successful Webinar

Webinars are known for attracting some of the most engaged audience in marketing. The attendees are more invested in the information dispensed during the event, they interact more, and they are more likely to have a positive response to the presented call to action.

That means more leads, more clicks, more prospects urged further along the buyer's journey.

With a lot of benefits riding on hosting a successful webinar, details are vital. This is why it's important to note what to do and what NOT to do to make sure your next webinar blows the competition's out of the water.

DO practice, practice, practice.

Yes, it's a ridiculously basic instruction, but you'd be surprised how many webinars have fallen apart mid-session because of an avoidable technical glitch – one that would have been taken care of after a routine run-through.

Get your tech ready way before the scheduled event. Test audio, video, screen share, and all other features you're planning to utilize during your webinar. While not all issues can be anticipated, doing dry-runs will get you into a more proactive mode and help identify the more obvious hurdlesyou might face.

Do prepare a definitive agenda.

It's not enough to have an educational topic – you also need to make sure the path you and your audience are going to take towards the resolution of your topic is clear.

For instance, if you're going to conduct a webinar on how to start earning money online with your five-step plan, you wouldn't want to immediately start the session with the first step. You'd probably start with a quick intro of who you are and what makes you qualified to give people advice on the topic. You'd then talk about the common hurdles online entrepreneurs face – why they're not earning as much as they should, what the biggest challenge is, etc. And then you transition to how your five-step plan is going to help crush all those hurdles. Finally, you wrap things up with a Q&A.

Write these steps down and note how long you expect each segment will take. Perhaps allow 3 to 5 minutes for the intro, about 10 minutes on the issues you're going to solve, 15 minutes on the solution and your call to action, and 10 minutes on the questions.

When you have the details of your presentation plotted out, you're likely to be more organized and vigilant with how you spend your time.

With the number of webinars marketers produce every day, participants are pretty particular which ones they attend. Time-consuming off-topic segues are not going to endear the audience to you.

Make sure you have your agenda clearly established and stick to it. Or, better yet, present the agenda to your audience at the onset of the webinar so they can hold you to it.

DO adjust your webinar length to your content and not the other way around.

This will depend on your target audience, of course, but a good rule of thumb to follow, when deciding how long your webinar is going to be, is to pattern it on the amount of content you have.

If you can get to the point of your presentation in under thirty minutes, no need to stretch your webinar to an hour with fillers. Your audience will notice and the fillers might undermine the value you provided with your main topic. It's better to have a 40-minute webinar filled with valuable info than a 90-minute one that has a good portion of it wasted on idle chatter.

Want to read more webinar DON'Ts? Click here to download our FREE eBook.

DON'T overpopulate your slides.

They call it death by PowerPoint.

If you've been in a meeting before, you've probably been through – or narrowly avoided – one of these. It's when the slides are filled with so much information you're pretty sure you're reading an unedited novel. It's when the speaker doesn't do anything but read from slides. It's slow torture in the form of a presentation.

Nothing kills a webinar faster than a text filled (in small fonts at that!) slide deck. Your audience signed up to be engaged and to interact – make sure they get what they signed up for.

With the pretty awesome technology available in most webinar services, there's no excuse for inadvertently killing your audience with boring slides.

Mix up your media. Use short videos, screen sharing, polls, and surveys. Integrate social media into the discussion – post images that your audience can share on Facebook, or prepare quotes from your presentation that they can tweet.

If you're going to use slides, avoid overpopulating it. Pick captivating images instead of clip arts. Place only one point per slide. Discuss and elaborate, don't just recite off a list.

DON'T neglect your audience.

Webinars are one of the most effective forms of content marketing because it's made to be interactive.

Whether your attendees actually participate doesn't matter – you should still urge them to interact and make that easy by offering opportunities. Make a chat box open and confirm topic comprehension every now and then. Post well-timed polls and ask questions at strategic points of the webinar. Offer to share screen and do a live demo if the topic calls for it.

You want to make your audience feel like they're a part of the discussion. Don't forget to regularly bring the focus back to them.

DON'T be late.

Your audience are busy people and they've taken time off their busy schedule to attend your webinar – starting the webinar late is a sign of disrespect.

Make sure you're already online at least 5 minutes before the webinar is scheduled to start. Welcome the attendees as they sign in and make sure they know they're in the right place.

If you can't start at the exact time your webinar is supposed to start – maybe there's a tech issue or your co-host hasn't shown up yet – let your audience know. Set proper expectations so your audience can choose to log off or wait.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Webinar JEO Webinar Software

Webinar JEO Webinar Software


As Google Kills Off Hangouts on Air, Are They Taking Small Business With Them? Asks Universal Media Online

Google Hangouts On Air Discontinued

Small and medium sized businesses, and entrepreneurs alike celebrated with one voice as Google Hangouts allowed communication using their video streaming. Even the use of Webinar services tapped into Hangouts. Now, As the announcement hits that Google is discontinuing it's free Hangouts on Air service ( to be bundled in with YouTube Live), where does that leave small businesses that depended on Hangouts to run webinars for sales, marketing and training?

Universal Media Online reports: As Google themselves reported and published around the world in additional reports, Hangouts on air, the popular service used by many small business owners and entrepreneurs to run Webinars and group meetings will no longer be available to schedule events. Instead, they are moving the service to Youtube Live, leaving those who depend on Hangouts and 3rd party software that relies on google hangouts wondering what is next for them? and what are the cost effective methods still available to run Webinars and Webinar software (without depending on Hangouts)?

Although Hangouts on Air made running webinars a cost effective solution, it never really gave the presenter the feeling of a live stream - as the delay from presenter to attendee was sometimes in excess of 30 to 45 seconds. The great news is for small business owners and Entrepreneurs alike that alternative webinar solutions exist that aren't reliant on the hangout platform and can deliver the true live streaming experience that is needed. 

As Google themselves reported in their post on the google support page, Hangouts on air, the popular service used by many small business owners and entrepreneurs to run Webinars and group meetings will no longer be available to schedule events.


One of those solutions is the Webinar JEO platform, from Australian based company Universal Media-Online

Webinar JEO is Webinar Software created to meet the needs of trainers, business owners, and thought leaders when it comes to marketing and broadcasting. The service allows users to launch unlimited webinars so entrepreneurs don't have to put a cap on their marketing reach. It hosts unlimited attendees so company trainers have no need to limit participants in coaching sessions. The platform also provides users tools to boost audience engagement such as polls, surveys, and chat box and since Webinar JEO isn't dependent on hangouts, users can rest easy that their events are in safe hands. 

Webinar JEO makes collaboration easy and effective with its screen share, whiteboard, and advanced chat features. With seamless audio and video transmission capabilities, sessions are guaranteed to be professional and efficient. The user-friendly interface also makes it convenient to launch events and integrate autoresponders to effectively market sessions.

With over 10,000 Webinar events run on the platform in the last 60 days, Webinar JEO is a serious contender for the business, sales, training and development industries looking for an alternate solution. 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Walt Bayliss Success Series:

The two things I believe in most about business online.

There are two MAIN things... and a bunch of smaller 'add ons' that make up the big wins in marketing online.

And that term 'Marketing online' really refers to anyone with a business. From a fortune 500  company to some one looking to make a few extra dollars from their kitchen table... both fall under the same bracket for this discussion.

Those two things are Technology and Traffic.


Can be broken down into a few areas... but mainly, things that make life easier for people. That can be re-phrased into opportunity (depending on which side of the coin you are).
So that wraps in... tools that help jobs get done faster.
Like... A blog for example. Wordpress, making it easier for people to Publish content.
A video tool - that makes life easier to get videos made or syndicated.
A social tool - that makes it easier to gain social traction.

All of these, and the other millions of examples that form under the banner of Technology.
Now, as I mentioned - you can look at the topic of technology as a tool or as an opportunity (or both).
What do I mean...
For every tool that is out there - is also an opportunity. To use the tool (of course) but also to make money from the tool in either a direct or indirect manner.


Direct - Either you own it, you created it... and it is an asset that you can monetize through sales and use. Also under the 'direct' banner is when you look at a tool and then build or create something to compliment it, that (again) can be monetized. For this example - look at the youtube traffic style of tools that were built off the back of Youtube itself. You don't have to be the creator of the 'backbone' but you can definitely create something to compliment it.

The INDIRECT method of making money is when we look at affiliate programs off the back of those platforms.

Like Webinar JEO as an example.
A tool that is created to help people run webinars online.
Use of the tool to grow your own business.
Recommendation of the tool as an affiliate will earn you an ongoing income.

for almost ALL of the tools that are out there, the ability to earn from them is there.

so that is TECHNOLOGY.

My first belief in online marketing.
Creating tools, using tools, Selling tools, Recommending tools.

The second thing I believe in... (and probably more than the first) Is TRAFFIC


Without it, you have nothing.

Like Technology, traffic has that 'dual sided coin' as well - as an opportunity as well as a tool.

There are so many forms of traffic to get to know - tackling ONE at a time, getting to know it. Getting to know it so well, that you can explain it to a friend who's never thought of it before.... will see you well.
There are experts in the fields of traffic generation.
They make courses and tools (technology) available to people - they range in price, of course, from pennies to fortunes.

And the cost doesn't necessarily reflect the value: there are cheap options with big paybacks... and the reverse is true.

But I do know this...
When I am recommending something to people, It will be in one of these two categories.

Technology, to use. to implement, to GROW with. And to profit from


Traffic - something new, something OLD (shared in a new way) Something expressed that when implemented and followed through with can make a massive difference to people.

Look at anything online and you will see these two things at the core. Sift the 'Wheat from the Chaff' to use an old farming expression, and focus on your end goal. What are you trying to achieve.
And what, in those two categories, is going to help to get you there the fastest.

Grow and be merry :)

Yours in Success

Walt Bayliss


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Walt Bayliss Success Series:

[wr_row][wr_column span="span12"][wr_spacer el_title="spacer" height="200" responsive_hide="no" ][/wr_spacer][wr_text el_title="" text_margin_top="0" text_margin_left="" text_margin_bottom="0" text_margin_right="" enable_dropcap="no" appearing_animation="0" css_suffix="" id_wrapper="" disabled_el="no" wrapper_padding_top="0" wrapper_padding_left="0" wrapper_padding_bottom="0" wrapper_padding_right="0" wrapper_bg_color="" wrapper_bg_opacity_slider="" wrapper_bg_opacity="100" wrapper_border_top="0" wrapper_border_left="0" wrapper_border_bottom="0" wrapper_border_right="0" wrapper_border_style="solid" wrapper_border_color="" wrapper_rounded_topleft="0" wrapper_rounded_topright="0" wrapper_rounded_bottomleft="0" wrapper_rounded_bottomright="0" responsive_hide="no" ]Hi Everyone.
My name is Walter (Walt) Bayliss.

I am an online entrepreneur, a professional software developer, and an internet marketer.

I am lucky enough to earn a full time income from the internet, and able to travel with my family, enjoying the lifestyle and plugging in where ever there is a connection.

It wasn't always that way... Lots of 'trying to get started' stories.  Feel free to read a little bit more.
It really is a pleasure to connect with you.

[caption id="attachment_2086" align="alignleft" width="214"]Walt Bayliss Online Entrepreneur and Professional Software Developer Walt Bayliss Online Entrepreneur[/caption]



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Stay In Touch With Walt. Register Here...



  Today we have a strategy for earning income online that involves finding and solving problems for everyday people by developing software and systems. See My Latest Posts Here

I have a number of key websites up and running with our products, software and systems.

Moving forward the big focus is on development of systems and software in a few areas such as mobile technology and social media.

The days of being tied to a desk - and having to work 80 hours a week in a job don't need to be a reality.
In truth - anyone can do what I do -

You need to learn. Learn different methods, strategies and techniques.

My journey online started in 2008 when my first daughter was born.
I was working in the corperate world. Dedicated to the job... thinking it was the only way forward.
Sound familiar?
I know many people who have said the same.

but - (personal philosphy....) It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 80.
The internet is the playground for all. Every single person can follow a success strategy and earn good money online.

I look forward to sharing stories with you.
What is working and what isn't.

As well as showing the world through some different eyes - the same eyes that can watch my 2 beautiful  children grow up and enjoy the feeling of pushing forward.... on my own terms.

It is GREAT to meet you.

Yours Sincerely.

Walt Bayliss


Walt Bayliss Success Series:

[wr_row][wr_column span="span12"][wr_spacer el_title="spacer" height="200" responsive_hide="no" ][/wr_spacer][wr_text el_title="" text_margin_top="0" text_margin_left="" text_margin_bottom="0" text_margin_right="" enable_dropcap="no" appearing_animation="0" css_suffix="" id_wrapper="" disabled_el="no" wrapper_padding_top="0" wrapper_padding_left="0" wrapper_padding_bottom="0" wrapper_padding_right="0" wrapper_bg_color="" wrapper_bg_opacity_slider="" wrapper_bg_opacity="100" wrapper_border_top="0" wrapper_border_left="0" wrapper_border_bottom="0" wrapper_border_right="0" wrapper_border_style="solid" wrapper_border_color="" wrapper_rounded_topleft="0" wrapper_rounded_topright="0" wrapper_rounded_bottomleft="0" wrapper_rounded_bottomright="0" responsive_hide="no" ]Hi Everyone.
My name is Walter (Walt) Bayliss.

I am an online entrepreneur, a professional software developer, and an internet marketer.

I am lucky enough to earn a full time income from the internet, and able to travel with my family, enjoying the lifestyle and plugging in where ever there is a connection.

It wasn't always that way... Lots of 'trying to get started' stories.  Feel free to read a little bit more.
It really is a pleasure to connect with you.

[caption id="attachment_2086" align="alignleft" width="214"]Walt Bayliss Online Entrepreneur and Professional Software Developer Walt Bayliss Online Entrepreneur[/caption]



Connect With Walt

Stay Up to date with Product releases

Internet News and Stories


Stay In Touch With Walt. Register Here...



  Today we have a strategy for earning income online that involves finding and solving problems for everyday people by developing software and systems. See My Latest Posts Here

I have a number of key websites up and running with our products, software and systems.

Moving forward the big focus is on development of systems and software in a few areas such as mobile technology and social media.

The days of being tied to a desk - and having to work 80 hours a week in a job don't need to be a reality.
In truth - anyone can do what I do -

You need to learn. Learn different methods, strategies and techniques.

My journey online started in 2008 when my first daughter was born.
I was working in the corperate world. Dedicated to the job... thinking it was the only way forward.
Sound familiar?
I know many people who have said the same.

but - (personal philosphy....) It doesn't matter if you are 15 or 80.
The internet is the playground for all. Every single person can follow a success strategy and earn good money online.

I look forward to sharing stories with you.
What is working and what isn't.

As well as showing the world through some different eyes - the same eyes that can watch my 2 beautiful  children grow up and enjoy the feeling of pushing forward.... on my own terms.

It is GREAT to meet you.

Yours Sincerely.

Walt Bayliss
